Mark and Alison’s story

Mark and Alison’s story…

Alison Tyrrell-Smith, a semi-retired Accountant, and her husband Mark who’s retired from the Army and National Crime Agency, have been volunteers at Coombe Park since last October.  

Alison says: ‘I owned a pony growing up and after many years out of the saddle started riding again, which reignited my passion for horses. Mark came along for some lessons but quickly realised he was nervous around large horses.’ 

‘We visited Coombe Park on an Open Day last year’ says Mark, ‘and were very impressed. We never realised the option of volunteering was available. We wanted to see if being around horses in the yard might help build my confidence.’ 

Now, every weekend you’ll find Mark and Alison grooming, filling hay nets, mucking out, poo picking the fields and walking out our horses for their daily exercise. 

Mark says: ‘I have found being around equines, combined with careful supervision of the staff, has been a fantastic experience. My confidence is now unrecognisable, and we’ve only missed two Saturdays due to a holiday. I started with the intention of supporting Alison, but I really enjoy every aspect of volunteering. We help in a small way to give the yard team more time with ponies needing their care. That’s very rewarding.’ 

‘We’ve been lucky to start our Level 1 horse-care training,’ adds Alison, ‘and this helps us be more active and useful. We’re certainly made to feel an important part of the team.’ 

Thank you for your continued support, Alison and Mark.