Fudge, Bambola and their Sanctuary at Home Carer Galina
None of the work we do would be possible without our Sanctuary at Home Carers. Not only do they provide homes for rescue ponies, but in doing so they also free up space at our sanctuaries so we can take in more horses in need of urgent care. When Galina let us know that she could provide a home for two of our rescued ponies, our team couldn’t have been happier!
Galina told us: ‘The ponies give me motivation, and a reason to be up bright and early. I also take comfort in the knowledge that if anything happened to me, or I was no longer able to care for them, that they would have a lovely place to go to. Knowing that support is a phone call away if needed is also peace of mind. Fudge has recently been diagnosed with Cushing’s, and the financial support from the Prime Pastures scheme is greatly appreciated. If I had more space and time, I would definitely have more!’
Galina also had a photoshoot with Fiona: ‘I was over the moon to get the email informing me that my ponies had been selected for the photoshoot. Fiona put myself and the ponies at ease, and embraced their characters. I positively hate having my picture taken, but somehow found myself willingly having a picture with Fudge to show the bond that we have. I think that it was such a lovely thing for Fiona to do to raise money for such a wonderful charity!’